回來後就一直非常的想念Quiche,很想自己做看看又上網找食譜。我覺得最重要的就是那個派皮!我看過一些很簡單的派皮作法,也做過很多種,只要是奶油或是植物油放比較多皮就會比較酥脆。這次找的食譜是Anna Olsen的pie crust,因為有用奶油,所以吃起來還蠻香的,今天就來分享她的派皮食譜囉!
Last year when my hubby and I went to Italy for our honeymoon, we stayed at an Airbnb in Sorrento. The mama there was an amazing cook! Every morning she would bring out freshly baked pies, quiche, cakes, home grown fresh tomatoes and zucchini! The coffee she brewed was so good as well! I wish I could've stayed there and learn some baking skill from her! And thanks to her, I was hooked on finding the best quiche recipe.
I've tried and tweaked many different pie crust recipe, but I could never really replicate what she made --maybe it had to do with the flour the use in Italy? Not too sure what it was, but it's probably family secret recipe 😂.
This time I tried baking pie dough with Anna Olsen's recipe. I think because she added sugar in her pie dough so it gives out this sweet flavor when baked with the savoury quiche filling. I personally like it, but next time I would probably try to cut down the sugar just by half a tbsp and see if that makes a difference. But for now, please see below for Anna Olsen's pie crust recipe! I've also included her youtube video 😊.
Ingredients 材料:
All purpose flour 中筋麵粉 2.5 cups
Granulated Sugar 細砂糖 1 tbsp
Salt 鹽 1tsp
Vegetable Oil 植物油 3 tbsp
Unsalted Butter 無鹽奶油 227g
Cool Water 冷水 1/4杯
White Vinegar or Lemon Juice 白醋或檸檬汁 2tsp
Step by step 作法:
1. 中筋麵粉+細砂糖+鹽放入鋼盆中攪拌均勻後 2. 倒入植物油再拌勻
3. 接著將無鹽奶油(從冰箱取出大概放在室溫下15分鐘後)放入慢慢拌勻(不需要過份搓揉)
4. 將冷水及白醋(或檸檬汁)倒入後再扮至麵團不要有麵粉的屑屑
5. 將麵團用保鮮膜包起來放入冰箱至少1小時再拿出來用
Anna Olsen Youtube - How to make pie dough
有些人會先將派皮先烤一次(英文是說blind bake,中文是盲烤)。不過這個比較適用於一些內陷不需要烤的甜品,像是水果塔~
我自己很懶,所以面皮擀好放入模具中用刀叉戳洞後就會直接將喜歡的食材放入派皮中。可以放入蔬菜、番茄、ham、起司等~ 再倒入蛋液(4顆蛋+半杯的鮮奶油或牛奶),入烤箱前撒上少許的鹽巴跟胡椒即可。
烤箱溫度大約是375˚F(約190˚C),烤35-40分鐘就好囉! 出爐前再放涼約10分鐘即可享用喔!