
Jul 16, 2019

Raisin Scones | 葡萄乾司康

Updated: Aug 13, 2019

第一次接觸到scone的時候是在台北信義區的Smith&Hsu。有朋友推薦說司康超好吃的,其實我對它的第一印象是看起來乾乾的,不曉得等下咬下去是硬的還是軟的? 殊不知原來還要搭配果醬或是奶油 😂 但吃完後覺得真的還不錯吃,搭配茶或咖啡很對味。



抱著懷疑 (我懷疑的理由是因為前後吃過很多司康,但是一直都沒有覺得比#smith&hsu的好吃),到櫃檯點了芋頭司康。果真...超~好~吃~的!!!!(欲罷不能,很想要再加點一個!可惜當時吃不下)


The first time I had scone when when I went to Smith&Hsu in Xinyi, Taipei. I've never had scones before in my life, so I didn't what to expect -- does it taste like a cookie? a bread? a cake?

Little did I know that it comes with jam and whipping cream to go with. The scone itself isn't too sweet, it was crispy o the outside and fluffy on the inside, paired with some blueberries jam just intensified the flavour. And that's when I fell in love with scones.

Since then when I had the chance to order scone, I would try, but there aren't many tasty scones out there. Until one day... my elementary friend took me to a place called Ciao Ciao Scone and told me it was THE BEST scones in Taiwan -- and it was! The dessert shop also offers a variety of different flavours of scones, I wish I had the chance to try every single one! They were to die for and now they are my NO.1 scones!

So I've been craving for some scones, and I thought why not try to bake one? It's not gonna taste as good as Ciao Ciao's, but hey, it's healthy and the recipe is simple too! Check it out!

Ingredients 材料:


  • All purpose flour 低筋麵粉200g

  • Baking Powder 泡打粉2g

  • Unsalted Butter 無鹽奶油 50g

  • Salt 鹽2g

  • Granulated Sugar 細砂糖30g

  • Egg 雞蛋1顆

  • Original Yogurt 原味優格80g / OR Milk 牛奶70g

Step by step 作法:


2. 將奶油小丁加入使用塑膠刮板用切拌的方式將奶油與麵粉混合成鬆散的狀態 (有食物攪拌機的話,可以將以上材料用食物攪拌機快速攪打10-15秒混合均勻)
3.將蛋液及優格(or牛奶)倒入,用手快速混合成一塊無粉粒的麵團 (輕輕混合,千萬不要搓揉,避免起筋)




1. Sieve the flour, baking powder, granulated sugar and salt into a mixing bowl

2. Prepare the cold cut butter and mix it well with the flour

3. Add in egg and yogurt (or milk), quickly mix the batter together with your hands without working too much on the flour

4. Add in your favorite dried raisins or cranberries, then put the dough in the fridge for at least 30-60min

5. Add some flour on your work station, and roll the dough out till it's around 2.5cm thick

6. Use a round cookie cutter and cut the dough into round shape

7. Place them onto the baking tray, and brush some egg yolk on the top of the scones

8. Bake in oven at 390°F for 12-15min until golden brown

是不是很簡單啊?最後再搭配一些whipping cream或是果醬就完美囉愛❤️

#scones #raisinscones #司康
